


von Schutzgebieten im Alpenraum für ein nachhaltiges Management, das die natürlichen Ressourcen respektiert


Schutz der Biodiversität

und Erhaltung einer qualitativ hochwertigen Umwelt


Die Verbindungen zwischen Menschen

insbesondere der Jugend – und der Natur erhalten


Regionale Entwicklung

auf der Grundlage lokaler Ressourcen, die die Menschen in den Mittelpunkt stellt, um die Natur zu schützen

ALPARC ist das Netzwerk Alpiner Schutzgebiete, das hunderte von Schutzgebieten aller Art im Alpenraum von Frankreich bis Slowenien zusammenbringt.
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Reading Mountains Festival 2022

Sonntag, 11 Dezember 2022

The Reading Mountains Festival is a way to connect people that love books and mountains, despite them being physically apart. Book lovers and authors, mountaineers and artists throughout the Alps (and beyond) have a chance to discuss similar issues and evaluate the meaning, impact, and purpose of Alpine literature. Some of these discussions are captured in the film “People, Books and Mountains - The Quest for Alpine literature” that was produced as a follow up to the first editions of the Reading Mountains Festival.

The Alpine Convention invites you to celebrate the unique Alpine cultural heritage in this special year of sustainable mountain development.

As always, your event should take place in the run-up to or on International Mountain Day, Sunday, December 11, 2022.

Join from the Alps (or beyond) and help showcase the importance of the conservation and sustainable use of mountain ecosystems and celebrating mountains around the world. If you are interested, register here to be part of the Reading Mountains Festival 2022!

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ALPARC - Das Netzwerk Alpiner Schutzgebiete

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