

ALPARC supports cooperation

between the protected areas of the Alpine Arc for a sustainable management respectful of natural resources


Biodiversity protection

and preservation of a quality environment


Safeguarding the link between man

especially young people, and the natural environment


Regional development

based on local resources that puts people at its center to ensure nature conservation and protection

ALPARC is the Alpine Network of Protected Areas, which brings together hundreds of protected areas of all kinds that are located in the Alps, from France to Slovenia.
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Guide Solaire & Habitat

  • Language FR
  • Number of pages 28

Ce document s'adresse aux personnes qui envisagent de construire ou de réhabiliter une maison en y intégrant des dispositifs solaires. Il est le fruit des échanges menés dans le cadre d'un programme européen avec notamment les Parcs des Écrins et du Queyras, le Conseil général et la CAPEB des Hautes-Alpes.

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ALPARC - The Alpine Network of Protected Areas

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