Biodiversity in Time of Climate Change: Management or Wilderness?

  • Source ALPARC publications
  • Year 2010
  • Language EN

What is the best way to manage biodiversity when facing new global phenomena (such as climate change) with a restricted budget? Is it always necessary to manage nature? If yes, how can it be managed in the most effective way? What should be the priorities? What criteria should be followed? Who decides on these criteria?

These are the core questions that this brochure tries to answer.

The goals of this brochure are to contribute to and participate in the debate on biodiversity and climate change in a wider and more critical way. It also aims to share experiences in the field of biodiversity protection and management of wild fauna in the Alpine area.

This brochure is divided into 4 main sections:

  1. Scientific research
  2. Interviews 
  3. Zoom on
  4. Tools

ALPARC - The Alpine Network of Protected Areas

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