Catalogue: Possible Measures to Improve Ecological Connectivity

  • Source ALPARC publications
  • Year 2009
  • Language FR, DE, IT, EN
  • Number of pages 147
  • Field of work Biodiversity

The measure catalogue has been elaborated in the frame of the Ecological Continuum Initiative.

It lists 69 exemplary measures from all Alpine countries that can contribute to the implementation of ecological networks. The measures show how areas or structures can be created, conserved or restored so that they can play a role as connecting elements within an ecological network.

The measure catalogue has been developed as an instrument to be used by the pilot regions of the Continuum and the ECONNECT projects. Nevertheless it can and should be used by other regions and actors in and outside the Alps who want to improve ecological connectivity.

The catalogue gives examples and ideas and practical information such as contact persons and references. Additionally, an evaluation of economic and ecological aspects has been done for each measure. The catalogue also gives an overview on the sectors and fields that are important when it comes to improving ecological connectivity.

An excel table with summarised descriptions of all measures is part of the catalogue. It can be used as a database in order to select single measures that are suitable for different situations. Macros need to be activated when using the database.

ALPARC - La Rete delle Aree Protette Alpine

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