The newsletter of the Alpine Network of Protected Areas N°58 - February 2016

n° 58 | February 2016 NEWS  CALENDAR  FOCUS ON
Three main stream topics have been validated by the General Assembly of ALPARC which took place at the end of January 2016 in Cuneo in Italy: ecological connectivity, innovation and mountain environmental education.

ALPARC will continue this year its activities around the ecological connectivity including the issue of mitigation to climate change and proposing some new initiatives during the next months. The already ongoing project for an innovative sustainable development of protected areas regions will be extended to other regions and last but not least, there will be a 2nd edition of “Youth at the Top” on July the 12th, registration of interested protected areas are already open!  

Read all the details in this newsletter.


News from the network ALPARC

Generalna skupščina 2016

Generalna skupščina ALPARC-a je potekala dne 22. januarja 2016 v kraju Cuneo v Italiji. Skupščina se je odvila v sklopu 21. Memoriala Danilo Re, ki je potekal od četrtka, 21. do nedelje 24. januarja...Preberi več

21. Memorial Danilo Re: rezultati

Od 1. januarja 2016 sta se italijanska parka Marguereis in Alpi Marittime združila v eno uradno upravljavsko telo pod skupnim imenom "Ente di gestione delle aree protette delle Alpi Marittime". V tem skupnem duhu so gostili tudi 21. izvedbo Memoriala...Preberi več

Take part in the “Youth at the top 2016” initiative

Edition 2016: rendezvous on July 12th!
Discover this initiative in pictures (1:19): :

This is a strong symbolic time orientated to the young people with “rendezvous”...Preberi več

Novice projekta InnovAlps

Projekt InnovAlps išče inovativne pristope regionalnega razvoja v alpskih zavarovanih območjih. Projekt želi z vzajemnim učenjem nuditi podporo izmenjavi znanja in dobrih praks med zavarovanimi območji na področju obravnavanih tematik. V...Preberi več

Odkrijte zmagovalce natečaja »Photo & Land art«

Ste se udeležili ALPARC-ovega natečaja »Photo & Land Art«? Vas zanimajo fotografije, ki so jih širom Alp ustvarili amaterski fotografi, umetniki in strokovnjaki iz zavarovanih območjih?
Seznam zmagovalcev in njihove fotografije...Preberi več

Activity Report 2015
________________________________________________________________________ _
Workshop "Wildlife and winter sport activities“ | 03- 04 March 2016

Final conference InnovAlps project | 29- 30 September 2016

AlpskiTenden: Alpe & ljudje | 11-15 October 2016

4th Workshop “Mountain Environmental Education in the Alpine Protected Areas” | 18-19/10/2016
Download the updated version of the Alpine Protected areas maps

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ALPARC - Alpine Network of Protected Areas
256, rue de la République
F-73000 Chambéry
Tél : +33(0)4 79 26 55 00
Fax : +33(0)4 79 26 55 01

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