The newsletter of the Alpine Network of Protected Areas N°54 - February 2015

N°54 - February 2015

The Network is celebrating its 20th Anniversary!
Thus, for ALPARC, 2015 will be a year of celebration, of assessment but also of reflection on the stakes and strategies for protection and cooperation in the Alps for the 20 years to come. A year under the motto “Reconnecting humans, mountains and nature”, as the Alpine Network of Protected Areas is first and foremost about men and women committed to Alpine mountains. This anniversary is dedicated to all those who every day work and manage life in the protected areas and who have been giving life and impetus to the ALPARC network for 20 years.

News from the network ALPARC

Generalna skupščina 2015

Tretja Generalna skupščina ALPARC-a je potekala 23. januarja v kraju St. Jakob im Defereggental, v Narodnem parku Visoke Ture (Avstrija). Zasedanja se je udeležilo več kot polovica članov mreže. Na Generalni skupščini so bila potrjena...Preberi več

20. Memorial Danilo Re - rezultati

Narodni park Visoke Ture je v kraju St. Jakob im Defereggental (Vzhodna Tirolska –Avstrija) od 22. do 25. januarja 2015 gostil 20. izvedbo Memoriala Danilo Re.
Memorial Danilo Re, ki je s to izvedbo praznoval tudi svojo 20. letnico,...Preberi več

Ali ste pripravljeni spremljati mlade na njihovi poti do vrha?

Povsod v Alpah je moč opaziti pomanjkanje mladih v gorah, zlasti poleti. Ali se jim zdijo gore dolgočasne?
Počasi se pričenjamo zavedati, da naša mladina in otroci živijo v pomanjkanju… narave! Ali jim je postal stik z naravo nekoristen?
Vsepovsod...Preberi več

Rezultati projekta greenAlps

Prenesite zaključna gradiva 
Od septembra 2013 do novembra 2014 je bil ALPARC nosilec evropskega projekta greenAlps, katerega cilj je bil preučitev ustreznosti obstoječih načinov varstva narave tako na evropskem kot občinskem nivoju....Preberi več

ALPARC je izdal knjižico “20 izvedb Memoriala Danilo Re”

ALPARC in organizacijski komite Danilo Re, sta ob koordinaciji generalnega sekretarja ALPARC-a Martina Šolarja izdala posebno knjižico “Compete to protect the Alps: 20 editions of Memorial Danilo Re” (na voljo le v angleški verziji). Knjižica...Preberi več


News from the Alps

Germany takes over the presidency of the Alpine Convention

As officially announced on December 17 2014, the Presidency of the Alpine Convention for the period 2015-2016 is held by Germany and implemented by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, with...Preberi več


In January 2015, the REEMA, a French partner of ALPARC and a member of the working group Mountain Environmental Education in Alpine Protected Areas, changes its name and becomes EDUC'ALPES. This "Network for Alpine Mountain Education" leads since 10...Preberi več




News from the network ALPARC

News from the Alps


Quand la nature dépasse (enfin) les bornes ! | 30/03/2015

focus on...

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256, rue de la République - F-73000 Chambéry - Tél : +33(0)4 79 26 55 00 - Fax : +33(0)4 79 26 55 01


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