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Climate Strategy for the Austrian Nature Parks

0, 01.12.2022

The Association of Austrian Nature Parks (Verband der Naturparks Österreichs) has published a climate strategy for Austrian Nature Parks!

Several climate-relevant adaption and mitigation strategies are addressed such as the definition of four fields of activity - based on the Austrian Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change - in which there are promising opportunities for implementation:

- Ecosystems and Biodiversity

- Tourism

- Agriculture" and "Forestry

- "Transport infrastructure and mobility".

The activity field "Biodiversity and Ecosystems" is of particular importance, as nature parks can contribute a high level of competence in this thematic area. Furthermore, recommendations were made for measures to be taken by the nature parks and their associations and the Association of Nature Parks of Austria (VNÖ).


Below you can download the strategy in German version.

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ALPARC - Mreža zavarovanih območij v Alpah

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