Booklet of good practices for the sustainable management of mountain grasslands

lundi, 26 avril 2021

Euromontana recently published the OREKA MENDIAN Booklet of good practices, showcasing 31 inspiring examples for the sustainable management of mountain grasslands gathered across 18 European countries. These good practices are meant to inspire local actors to increase the biodiversity of mountain grasslands, tackled climate change impacts and better market their products, among many others. Good practices were selected through desk/web research and a survey done at EU level in December 2018.

OREKA MENDIAN is a seven-year project (2016-2022) funded by the European Union’s LIFE Programme. It aims to develop a preservation strategy for mountain pasturelands in the Basque country (covering both the French and Spanish regions), seeking to create a sustainable balance between the environmental preservation and socio-economic uses of these grasslands. In the project framework, Euromontana conducted a study of the current status of mountain grasslands throughout Europe, in order to have a precise picture of these grasslands in 2020.

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