BIOCLIMA: Bioclimate initiative in the Orobie Valtellinesi Park (Sondrio, Italy)

1, 28.05.2024

The Bioclimate initiative, promoted by the Region of Lombardy, was born within the framework of the LIFE GESTIRE 2020 project, with the aim of creating models of public funding that can act as a catalyst for investment in projects to conserve biodiversity and adapt to climate change in the forests and protected areas of Lombardy.

The Orobie Valtellinesi Park has decided to participate in the Bioclimate initiative with the idea of planning direct interventions in the habitats of the Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), one of the Alpine species with the greatest conservation problems and the symbol of the Park. Population groups, particularly in Lombardy, are showing a gradual decrease in the presence of the Tetrao, and therefore the species needs direct intervention on the territory to ensure its conservation and maintain the biodiversity of mountain ecosystems.

Two parallel projects of interest to different municipalities have been developed: the Municipality of Teglio and the Municipality of Forcola (Province of Sondrio), both of which have recently been subject to a new forest plan that includes interventions aimed at conserving the habitats of the Capercaillie, with the aim of affecting two different areas of the Park from a geographical point of view.

The project is divided into forestry measures to improve the structure of the forest with a view to protecting wildlife on a total of 187 hectares. Biodiversity protection measures are planned, including the maintenance or restoration of clearings and other important ecotonal elements, in order to achieve a high level of specific biodiversity. 

The implementation of management plans for Natura 2000 sites, the creation of a recreational tourist route and the construction of infrastructure for the use of natural sites are also planned in order to disseminate the value of biodiversity.

An important intervention of the project is the commitment of the Park to certify the intervention areas according to the FSC standard for forest management and enhancement of ecosystem services, with the support of Etifor, a consultancy and spin-off company of the University of Padua. The aim of FSC certification is to guarantee the traceability of forest products in order to ensure proper management and the achievement of environmental, social and economic benefits.

The work on the forest will take place in the summer/autumn of 2024 and must be completed by the end of this year.

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